Monday 12 December 2011


Worlds 1st Turbocharged R15

who says it is impossible ! nothing is impossible in this world ,once i decide to do anything ,i'm into it until its done.and the result is my turbocharged yamaha r15.i'm always keep doing modes to ma bike,but this idea is in my mind from a long time.and i have done it...congo!!!;)...its  realy fun in doing such a hardworking job,which requires your full mind and soul.but at the end of the day you feel proud to do such thing which is unique in the whole world.
I found this turbo of indigo quadrajet to be the smallest in india,and i purchased it  from a scrap engine.but this turbo is in great working condition.
    ITS realy hard work to fit it in the fabricate the exhaust according to the turbo.
THE power gain from this turbo only kicks in after 8000 rpm.because this turbo is made for the bigger engines...i think the turbo is producing the boost in between .25 to 1 pound of pressure..
At the end its fun riding a turbo r15 and its a great experience....see some of the pics and have fun comment and share it on facebook,twitter...and promote extreme tunning of engines in india...and were a helmet and proper safty gears...;)

:D this is what a hand of a real hard working mechanic should look like...;)